Cosmetology Teacher License
800 hours

A.R.T.C Esthetics Instructor students are required to wear button down white scrub nursing tops short or long sleeve (the button down) scrub tops. with black casual dress skirt, or black dress pants or black dress shorts. Must BE BELOW THAT INDIVIDUALS knees. Students can wear (colored) tank tops underneath scrub nursing button down white scrub top. burnt orange, purple, and turquoise, underneath button down white scrub top is permitted. Very fashionable and trendy makeup well balanced. Hair is always pulled away from the face. Shoes worn only black or blue shoes dark blue. Berkenstock dress sneak is allowed, nursing shoes allowed. when wearing a skirt you must wear panty hose or socks. Shoes must be worn with nude base on the individuals skin tone. Flesh tones. Dancer flesh tones wear well. pantyhose, socks, or stockings. Tuition is paid at the time of registration and is based on signed agreement, payment plan.
You must be 16 to be a Cosmetology Teacher. Complete and return an application for admission or complete the online application
- Submit an official high school transcript or official high school equivalency
- Submit additional information if it is requested
- The placement test is not required for this program
- To be admitted to this program, applicants must have a high school diploma or high school equivalency with your cosmetology, nail, natural hair, Esthetics license.
Teachers Challenging Board after 5 Years working in any chosen field:
- You must be 16 to challenge the board to teach.
- 2-3 week schedule intense training classes.
- Mandatory classes.
- Preparation to successfully pass the practical & theory Teacher instructors License in NC.