How long does 20 mg of cialis last

Understanding the Durability of 20mg Cialis

Cialis, scientifically referred to as Tadalafil, is a powerful and impactful medication that is often prescribed for erectile dysfunction and signs of enlarged prostate. Cialis 20mg is one of the dosage strengths, and its longevity within the system is relatively longer compared to alternative dosages and similar medications. The primary question, therefore, is: how long does a 20mg dosage of Cialis last?

Durability and Efficacy of 20mg Cialis

Contrary to many other erectile dysfunction medications, the effects of Cialis 20mg can last in the body for a considerably longer span. Cialis largely has a half-life of approximately 17.5 hours, suggesting that it can stay within your system and continue to be effective up to 36 hours post intake. While individual body metabolism can interfere with this timeline, the 36-hour window is a reliable general benchmark.

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What Factors Influence the Action of Cialis?

Though the 36-hour efficacy is a substantial advantage, it’s crucial to remember that the particular effects and duration of Cialis can vary based upon several factors. These include individual metabolic rate, overall health condition, and the presence of certain substances, such as alcohol or grapefruit, that can interfere with Cialis absorption in the body.

Using 20mg Cialis Safely

As with any medication, it’s essential to rely on your physician’s advice when using Cialis. Despite its prolonged effect, the daily use of Cialis 20mg without medical supervision can lead to severe health complications. Among these are vision impairment, hearing loss, and in severe cases, painful erections that last more than a few hours, known as priapism.


In conclusion, while the Cialis 20mg tablet has an extended effect that is beneficial for individuals struggling with erectile dysfunction, safe and administrated use is significant to mitigate potential health risks. Always adhere to your physician’s directives for optimal benefits and minimal unintended effects.